Friday, December 31, 2010

Who's your daddy?.......................

Remember when you were a kid and fantasized about having different parents?........Roy Rogers, Mickey Dora, Bernard Moitessier or if you were a little girl.....Annette Funicello, Sandra Dee, Susan Hiscock.....we all did it.......don't did it......! My childhood is multiple decades past now.... but you know what?.....the other night that same childhood fantasy snuck up on  me in a wee hours dream......What if my real father was................NIGEL CALDER!!!!! Man-o-man-o-man would my boating existence be simple..........Dad, my engine goes gurgle-cluck-clank and green smoke is pouring from my batteries when I turn on the DC blender....Ahhhh!  "Its nothing son.........just take some white vinegar and pour it on the voltage regulator that is next to the AC/DC sine-wave compensator and and then re-calibrate your split phase starter circuit".......Uh....ok....hey what you doin?......can you come over?.....gotta a cold one waitin' for ya ........Oh yeah... that dream was sweeeeet.....! Hey Nigel did you ever meet a sweet little Polish girl named Zosha?
Peace to you my friends..........Happy New Year

Sterling Hayden was right..........................

"The years thunder by."........Another one is gone....its hard to believe that we are already a decade into the 21st seems just like yesterday that we were all terrified of Y2K and many were hoarding food and water and ammo and were moving to fortress compounds in the woods and getting ready to 'survive' in a world gone amuck......not me....take me in the first wave........let someone else travel McCarthy's road.    Strive to "Know how to live the time that is given you"-Dario Fo
Take care my friends and Happy New Year

Friday, December 17, 2010

No Takers yet...................

Hello all...................well my house hasn't sold yet and Zosha is waiting impatiently to be let loose to roam in her domain.......I want to wish all of you a Safe, Happy, and  Blessed Holiday Season.....and for the New Year, I think,  a proper resolution would be for all of us to reawaken our dreams of youth and and follow their song...............take care my friends

Monday, December 13, 2010

The first post................

Well-the time has almost come for us to cast off the lines that have bound us for decades and head south and start posting exciting, romantic, exhilarating, vingettes of the travels of svzosha through exotic lands----what am I waiting for you ask? For my house to sell! If anyone is actually reading this, don't forget us.....keep checking back day this blog will be filled with tales of adventure, excitement, romance, compassion, and consummate seamanship by the swarthy crew, note-my girlfriend is not swarthy, of the sailing vessel ZOSHA...until then, I think I'll pop a beer and go bury another St. Christopher statue in my front yard.......its supposed to help one's house sell... it turns out that St. Christopher was not only the patron saint of travelers but of realtors as well............I guess throughout ordinary guy ever went anywhere until the house sold........
Take care and peace to you my friends and thanks for clicking on our blog..............