We blew out of Houston around 8am on Saturday August 2, 2014 and headed West on I-10. The truck was a packed up with our stuff, full of gas, oil change, new tires and a thumbs up from the Ford guy....so off we went.
See the little bin on the left side up front by the KOLBALT toolbox? ....that's my stuff....all the rest is Tana's!!
Goodbye Houston Freeways....!
One good thing about this trip is that no GPS was needed. Once on I-10 there is only one left turn necessary to get to our destination and that turn is 1300 miles down the road.
I don't know how long we were on the road but the temperature gauge was still reading cold when Tana commented "I gotta pee...pull over at the next place." "What!!" "I gotta pee...you don't want me to go in my pants do you?" "Pee in that empty paper coffee cup" I said. "You don't love me" was the retort. "Ahhhh crap" I thought and pulled over at the next Shell. A little while later we're on the road again...then I hear "I'm hungry pull over at the next clean looking place." "Can you wait until we get to the Bucee's?" I ask. "How far is it." "161 miles" I reply. "You don't love me" comes whimpering from her lips. "Ahhhh crap" crossed my mind again. We pulled into an Arby's at a truck stop and snagged a couple of breakfast biscuits and some coffee.. Its now 10 am. We've been on the road 2 hours and we're about 20 miles outta Houston.
Finally we got rolling down the highway.
Houston countryside about 70 miles from downtown....
Moving through the Texas Hill Country....Home to Willie Nelson ...many people say that this is the most beautiful part of Texas...don't know if I agree with that but it is very beautiful..
Still in the Hill Country West of San Antonio near Junction heading towards Kerrville, Texas. About 250 miles from Houston....
Out of the Texas Hill Country rolling onto the vast desert of far West Texas. We are around Ozona, Texas with still 350 miles to
El Paso and the state line.
Davis Mountains in far far West Texas near Balmorea. Two years ago Tana and I spent a week hiking in them and swimming in the crystal clear, freezing cold natural springs that this part of Texas is known for. About 200 miles on the other side of those mountains is the Texas Big Bend Country which many people argue is the most beautiful part of Texas. I agree. 200 miles to El Paso.
Finally....!! The Land Of Enchantment....New Mexico.....
New Mexico about 20 miles from El Paso....
Shortly after getting into New Mexico we picked up this summer thunderstorm that followed us for a couple of hours....
You can't see it but this was a double rainbow that was with us for about an hour after the thunderstorm....
The Grand Canyon State....Arizona...
Still on I-10 entering Arizona from New Mexico heading for the first rest stop a few miles in....
Tana stretching her legs at the first Arizona rest stop heading West on I-10......
Well guys, the first leg of our trip to Mexico is over with no problems or issues.....As they say "went smooth as a baby's behind"
Thanks for riding along with us and I'll catch up with you again in a few days........
Peace to you all my friends....