Miles and Miles Of Texas...... Next Thursday, 7/31/2014, Tana and yours truly will be leaving Galveston, Texas and driving to Tucson, Arizona then to our final destination about 300 miles south of the Mexican border..... where I've rented a house for six months. We plan to chill, think, write, screw off, sight see, travel around Mexico, drink beer, study Spanish, fish, spend alotta time at the beach, and generally just hang. Most of the trip getting there is spent crossing this Lone Star State of ours.
"How many miles is it across Texas?" Tana asked me. Not knowing.....what did I do? You all know...Google it!!......
Did you know that the distance from.....
London to Paris = 289 miles
Los Angeles to San Francisco = 382 miles
Paris to Madrid = 781 miles
New York to Chicago = 791 miles
Galveston, Texas to El Paso, Texas 794 miles !!!!
El Paso, Texas to Tucson, Arizona = 372 miles
Now we know what Asleep At The Wheel was talkin' about !
We'll be leaving in a few days and plan on taking you guys with us..
Until we leave........take care and peace to you....don't forget to hug your kids today and tell your luv bunny how important they are in your life and how much you love them.....
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