Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Mexico Road Trip Part 4

Many years ago there was a very popular TV  show called Rocky And His Friends. To most of the Boomer generation it's remembered as the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. Rocky was the flying squirrel and his buddy was  Bullwinkle the Moose. Starting around 1959 and for many years they went from weekly adventure to weekly adventure.....    I'm getting there guys...hang in!! ................... You might remember that the show included a weekly segment called Peabody's Improbable History. Mr. Peabody was a talking dog Historian, Poet Laureate, Scientist, Olympic Champion, and the smartest being on the planet! Sherman was his pet boy!! Each week they traveled back in history to some famous historical event that has gone awry and helped set the event on track to coincide with the Historical Record........ "OK OK I'm getting to the point....don't leave yet!"  "How did they go back in history and return to the present?"  you ask? Mr. Peabody built a time travel device called THE WAYBACK MACHINE........ 

We have been in Mexico about 5 weeks now and it took about two or three days for me to fully fall victim to manana time.... Most people think manana is Spanish for tomorrow.....It isn't! It means not today !! Most of the time Tana and I aren't aware a
of the date or time and vaguely remember the month and we don't really care. Our first decision of the day is what time to get out of bed. Our second is whether to have coffee at home or go down to Barracuda Bobs Coffee Shop at the marina. Two of three major daily decisions....we relax until its time for the final decision for this day.....what do we do for dinner! A couple of days a week we have a fourth daily decision. Right down the street from where we live a little Mexican lady sets up shop in the shade under a tree and sells little tiny homemade pies....just enough for two people. We have them in the morning with coffee and we've got to decide between mango, coconut, pineapple, apple, or peach ...

This morning, Sept 3, 2014, at 3am precisely more or less.....out of a sound REM sleep.....I jumped up and remembered and thought...OMG!.......I left you guys on the side of the road at San Xavier Mission in Tucson five weeks ago. "How am I gonna get you guys back here?"....... OK here it comes.....this is how this all ties together....

Last week on e-bay I had the winning bid on.....guess what? 
THE WAYBACK MACHINE.....yessirree.....the original and still working too. I'm pumped!!!

Tana taught me telepathic Sumerian energy transference and I'm gonna load you guys in the WAYBACK and commence with our journey.......get won't feel a we go...............................................................................................

Our plan to leave Tucson real early so we could hit the border crossing at 6am didn't pan out. At 6am were still hammerin' Z's at the Congress. We finally got out of there around 8am and hit the border at around 9.
We used an alternate border crossing for truck traffic instead of using the main one and we zipped problemo..

All the really good and safe roads in Mexico are Toll Roads and as you can see are just as good as anything in the states......

Another example of an excellent Mexican road........

Mexican toll roads are expensive by stateside standards....if you don't want to pay the tolls, you can use the secondary roads for free....!

After a few hours traveling we finally reached our destination and wouldn't you know it.......five o'clock RUSH HOUR!!!

Like most places in the states.....pedestrians have the right of way...

This guy lives somewhere around our house....we see him all the time on our street....yes its a him....Tana can attest to that!

Finally!! on our patio having my first brewski in our new home in Mexico..............

See..........that WAYBACK ride didn't hurt a bit.....I'm keeping it in case we have to use it again..

Next time ....I'll start showing you all around...until then be safe, be kind, kiss your kiddos and grand kiddos,  and peace to you all..........

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