Monday, May 20, 2013

Gettin' Cheeky................!

My preference is for tiller steered sailboats....tillers are simple, virtually foolproof and cheap to operate and maintain and are relatively easy to rig up some fundamental self-steering system.....although, the Sailing Pundits often remark that the difference between a YACHT and a boat is that a YACHT has wheel steering while a  boat is maneuvered with the lowly tiller .........OK so ZOSHA is a boat........nobody ever referred to her as a yacht anyways.....Didya ever notice that these these friggin Sailing Pundits and Forum Holes are experts and have an opinion on everything!!............this said................As we travel our destiny's path there are certain things that seem to often reoccur in our lives that work  to interrupt the flow of our Yin and Yang or is it Ying and Yan ????  Whatever!! You know what I mean.....For instance, for my friend Mike its flat tires....this guy has had hundreds of flat tires throughout his life...He'll buy a new set of tires and go out the next morning and one of them will be flat!! Brand new tire flat!......He told me that this type of tire thing has happened to him countless times throughout his life.....the tire fairies do not like this guy! Another near and dear person to me who for the sake of anonymity, I'll call Tana.....has a reoccurring confoundment with Garlic matter how hard she tries to not burn it....something always occurs in her existential presence during the few minutes that the bread is in the oven and  the next thing we know the bread is ready because the smoke alarm is going off!! BURNT UP DUDE!!!! We're talking charcoal here............Its not her fault....she tries to get the it right.....its just that the garlic bread FATES are having none of it.  Mike tries to take care of his tires and rotate them and keep the air pressure right and buy new ones at the first sign of dry rot, but again some cosmic interference won't let this happen......WHY?  Don't know...
My haunting is cheek know those two pieces of wood bolted to each side of the rudder that keeps the tiller in place ?    ZOSHA, my current boat is tiller steered. When I bought her one of the very first things that I examined carefully were the cheek blocks......why?... you ask.....because on my two previous tiller mo gated sailboats, the cheek blocks rotted and had to be reproduced and replaced....A big, expensive, time consuming, PITA, bolt holes don't exactly line up project especially when you're in the water. So with extra special attention to the cheek blocks which were at that time as solid as a Ronald Regan handshake, the decision to make ZOSHA my new love was confirmed.  Alas, a beautiful boat with terrific Cheek Blocks.......I'm a happy man!!!! Fast forward a coupla years and attached  are some shots of the current state of my cheek blocks.......

Nasty............. !!

I LOVE boats....."Break Out Another Thousand".....

Wonder if I mixed up a little West System putty??  Ya think??
Just another day in the life of an extremely happy man! Oh Oh! gotta go....the smoke alarm is going off.....we're having spaghetti for dinner tonight.....
Take Care my friends...................

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Don't Tread On Me Part 4......

Did you ever get so lazy that you embarrass yourself ? I've been this way for a while now....just can't seem to get the motivation to get anything done....I'm putzing around with the deck redo and its getting there....I want to take all the hardware off the boom and paint it....the Main is off at least...I sent it off to a company in Pennsylvania to be reconditioned and repaired...I couldn't believe how awesome the sail was when I got it back about 5 weeks looked and felt like a new sail.....this company has a process the revitalizes the feels like new....all crispy and stiff...
The cost of the reconditioning and repairs, couple of slugs needed to be redone, some tears, and the bolt rope on the foot had to be restreched to get the belly out and get the shape back. Anyways the whole cost with shipping was about $700 which I thought was a good deal because the sail maker bandits around here wanted $2200 to $2600 for a new sail.....Rolly Tasker, Lee Sails and some of the other internet lofts wanted around $1600 before shipping.....anyways, I think I got a good deal. The guy at the company told me that even cruising, I should get about 10 more years outta the sail if I take care of it......Mmmmm...wonder how long it will last sitting here at this friggin dock?

I did manage to get a bottom job....for 30 years I've been using Interlux Fiberglass Bottomkote in black and was real happy with typically lasted about three years in our waters....this time I changed to Interlux Ultra upon the recommendation of the boat yard technology?? We'll see....!! Bottom looks blisters !!!


SWEET LINES !! wouldn't you say??


One day this beautifull boat butt will be facing the trades...I promise...Soon!!
Rain here for the next few days...nice weather next week till Thursday....I'll tackle this on Monday.............

Don't cha LUVIT ??
Take care my friends.........
